Alice Rivaz > Meeting Alice >

Her piano

Music played an important part in Alice's life. She was young when she discovered the piano and she fell in love with it. During her teenage years, her passion for music qualified her for the professional class at the Conservatoire de Lausanne (Lausanne Conservatory of Music). Even if she had to abandon the hope of becoming a virtuoso one day, Alice kept nurturing this passion at the heart of her existence.

It is music, and playing the piano in particular, that take most of my free time...

Traces de vie, August 1981

ROSSIERAlice Rivaz 6-10-81 version corrigée copie
Alice Rivaz, 6 October 1981, photography by Christian Rossier
The last piano owned by Alice Rivaz, photo by Jean-Louis Mathys
Painting by Alice Rivaz, undated
music, piano, adolescence
Her paintings

Her paintings

Alice's paintings and sketches, the fruit of her artistic pursuit that she belittled by calling herself a ‘Sunday painter’. Alice nonetheless spared time for her art throughout her life.

In her own words

In her own words

Her interviews highlight her strong and lively character. Her unique voice and insight are still relevant today.