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La Paix des ruches

La Paix des ruches

La Paix des ruches (The peace within the beehive) was published two years before Simone de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex and precedes the feminist novels of the latter half of the 20th century.

Jette ton pain

Jette ton pain

Jette ton pain (Cast thy bread) is Alice Rivaz’ masterpiece. This powerful book is a long recollection combining all the topics of her previous books.

Silvia Ricci Lempen, Les rêves d'Anna

Silvia Ricci Lempen, Les rêves d'Anna

Federica, Sabine, Gabrielle, Clara and Anna bear witness to the difficulties of being a woman and to the prejudice and injustice they faced.

Ce nom qui n'est pas le mien

Ce nom qui n'est pas le mien

Ce Nom qui n’est pas le mien (This name that is not my own) is a collection of several autobiographical texts and various essays. It is divided into three parts: Femmes, Lire Écrire and Petite suite personnelle (Women, Reading Writing, and A Personal Sequel).

A new outlook

A new outlook

In creating new women’s voices in fiction, the novelist revives the memory of the female writers of the past.