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Nuages dans la main

Nuages dans la main

The story is set in Geneva, more precisely at the International Labour Office (ILO), against the backdrop of the Spanish Civil War.

Comme le sable

Comme le sable

Comme le sable (As the sand) inaugurates what Alice Rivaz had conceived as a ‘novelistic cycle’ in several volumes.

Becoming a writer

Becoming a writer

Thanks to an independent lifestyle and a home of her own in Geneva, Alice Rivaz published her first novel in 1940.



Timeline of the life and works of Alice Rivaz

Writing history

Writing history

The author questions the normality of sheltered lives, and their blindness in the aftermath of the First World War.

Yves Laplace, Plaine des héros

Yves Laplace, Plaine des héros

This novel combines the individual and the universal, while weaving issues of the past and the present, and a quest for both one’s self and the truth, a quest which also pervades Alice Rivaz’ œuvre.



Epistolary exchanges between Alice Rivaz and renowned literary writers of her time.

Creuser des puits dans le désert. Lettres à Jean-Claude Fontanet

Creuser des puits dans le désert. Lettres à Jean-Claude Fontanet

As the correspondence between Alice Rivaz and Jean-Claude Fontanet illustrates so well, friendship is more a matter of encouragement than confiding in one another, about constant trust rather than frequent contact.

Les Enveloppes bleues. Correspondance 1944-1951

Les Enveloppes bleues. Correspondance 1944-1951

A famous author was amazed by a short story written by a woman and so sent her his congratulations. She wrote back.