Alice Rivaz > Meeting Alice >

In her own words

Relentless at writing letters, Alice was often less comfortable at speaking in public and said she was very shy. Her interviews highlight her strong and lively character. Her unique voice and insight are still relevant today.

Why am I so poorly gifted for the spoken word? Sheer emotion and uncontrolable panic turn my brain into a void as soon as I am in public.

Traces de vie,15 January 1977

26 January 1962

Audio interview by Yvette Z'Graggen, following the publication of Sans Alcool / © Archives RTS

14 November 1974

Audio interview by Yvette Z'Graggen, following the publication of De Mémoire et d'oubli, in the radio programme Écrivains de toute la Suisse. Leyla Aubert reads a few excerpts. / © Archives RTS

1 January 1978

Alice Rivaz reads an excerpt from Comptez vos jours (Count your days) / © Archives RTS

4 September 1979

Audio interview by Jacques Bofford in the radio programme En questions, following the publication of Jette ton pain (Cast thy bread) / © Archives RTS

11–12 September 1980

«Alice Rivaz à livre ouvert» (Alice Rivaz, an open book) in the radio programme La Librairie des ondes by Alphonse Layaz / © Archives RTS

27 January 1981

Alice Rivaz is the laureate of the Canada-Suisse Prize for her novel Jette ton pain (Cast thy bread) / © Archives RTS

26 September 1982

Interview by Irène Lichtenstein in the radio programme La Librairie des ondes / © Archives RTS

29 May 1983

Nicolas Bouvier interviews Alice Rivaz for the literary TV programme Miroirs, following the publication of Traces de vie (Traces of life) / © Archives RTS

27 November 1983

Mousse Boulanger pays a visit to Alice Rivaz in Geneva for the radio programme Dimanche littéraire. / © Archives RTS

24 April 1986

Alphonse Layaz interviews Alice Rivaz for the radio programme Silhouette. / © Archives RTS

16 July 1986

Interview by Mousse Boulanger. Picture : Olivier Frei / Sound : Nag Ansorge / Photography credits & Coordination : Jean Mayerat / © Association Films Plans-Fixes

29 April 1987

“La machine à tricoter” (The knitting machine), from the collection De Mémoire et d'oubli (Of memory and oblivion), read by Yvette Théraulat, original score by Nono Müller / © Archives RTS

1 August 1991

Interview by Nicole Duparc for Littérature en Suisse / © Archives RTS

20 September 1996

The TV programme Faxculture dedicates an episode to Alice Rivaz, in celebration of her 95th birthday / © Archives RTS

6 May 1998

“Hommage à Alice Rivaz” (A homage to Alice Rivaz) in Carré d'arts / © Archives RTS 

Her piano

Her piano

Alice Rivaz discovered music and singing at a very young age and her piano never left her side.

Her paintings

Her paintings

Alice's paintings and sketches, the fruit of her artistic pursuit that she belittled by calling herself a ‘Sunday painter’. Alice nonetheless spared time for her art throughout her life.